Equip, Encourage and Empower...
Kim Sharp Ministries
​Who is
Kim Sharp?
Kim Sharp is on a journey with Jesus that is anything but typical, and she loves it! Currently, Kim is the Assemblies of God National Girls Ministries Director. Empowering girls and women to be all God created them to be is a central passion in her life! She's an ordained minister who has enjoyed both youth and worship pastoring, found great fulfillment working in a Special Victims Unit, launched a North Central University site, and loves the adventure of following God's direction wherever He leads! Being a part of the John Maxwell Team as an Executive Director is a very significant part of Kim's heart for coaching and training leaders. She has traveled extensively across the US and abroad sharing the hope of Jesus Christ, the power of His unfailing love and training leaders.
Kim's passion is to equip, encourage and empower lives through speaking, coaching and leadership training. She is compelled by the reality of the Holy Spirit being active and desiring to do a powerful work in our lives today. Christ purchased our salvation, our healing, our peace and our freedom and the Holy Spirit is present to see those activated. This is the central passion in Kim's ministry. She is an effective communicator with a variety of crowds, speaking to thousands each year. Whether it be women's groups, adult congregations, or teenagers, Kim connects and touches the hearts of everyone she meets. Through her testimony, humor and insight, Kim's ministry has touched thousands of lives around the world.
2010 - present
2010 - present